At PRCC we firmly believe that one of our primary callings is to share the love of Christ in practical ways. We strive to be the hands and feet of Christ by loving people locally and across the globe; feeding, clothing and supplying spiritual needs so they have the opportunity to know and love Jesus
Every month, more than 800 Out of the Garden Project volunteers take it upon themselves to make this community better. Supporters collect food, sort it in our warehouse, package it for families, and/or deliver it to schools, giving generously of their time and financial resources. The purpose is to end chronic hunger in children. *We hold a Hotdog/Hamburger Supper the 1st Thursday of each month to donate proceeds to OOTG Project.
Their mission is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. The gift-filled shoebox is often the first gift they have ever received.
Reaching out to Greensboro's homeless community every Saturday at 6:00pm. This is done by the 16 Cents Ministry Under the Bridge at 300 Spring Garden Street. Each meeting includes a hot meal, fellowship, worship through music and God's word and love. *PRCC is currently collecting winter clothing for them.
Our mission support in India is teaching the love and hope that Jesus Christ provides in prisons, local villages and helping to start new churches.
A nondenominational Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to victims of war, natural disasters, disease, famine, poverty and persecution in more than 100 countries with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His son Jesus Christ.
We support Grady Brown, a Young Life teacher. He is stationed at a military base in Germany to establish and offer regular and consistent youth ministry to these kids who a live a life – not of their choosing – that requires enormous sacrifice and resilience.
PRCC regularly collects personal hygiene items, puzzle books, socks, cards, anything to make life easier and more interesting for the seniors at Brookdale NW Senior Living in Greensboro. We deliver the items and often visit the residents. Some have no families and they really appreciate us sharing our time and gifts.
The Potter’s House Community Kitchen provides a hot, nutritious lunch every day, including holidays. In addition to the community lunch, Potter’s house also provides breakfast and dinner to guests staying in the Weaver House shelter. Weaver House provides emergency shelter to single men and women. During winter months, more beds are provided to keep people out of the frigid cold through partnerships with other agencies. The Pathways Center provides temporary shelter to families. The Greensboro Urban Ministry Food Pantryhas provided food for people at risk of hunger in Guilford County for over thirty years. Food insecurity in Guilford County is a serious problem with nearly 90,000 people living with food insecurity. *PRCC is collecting non-perishable items and this month we are donating cash so they can purchase food in large amounts at a better price.
A project to give gifts this Christmas to children locally that otherwise would probably not receive Christmas presents.